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How a marine aquarium is created Part 31: No more filter socks!

Media Cup Filter ausgepackt

The 31st episode of our Aqua Medic Armatus is about a little tip. Namely, replacing the filter socks with something else. The innovation is also a little quieter.

All common aquarium systems come with filter socks.

In principle, they are not wrong, but they tend to make slight noises in the filter compartment, even though these have not bothered me so far. Another disadvantage, however, is the regular cleaning of the filter socks. And so we have now switched to Media Cup filters.

Media Cup Filter


You just have to hear this from before to after. (Min 3.05) Check it out :-) Of course, the cotton wool has to be washed out as well, but this is much less of a problem than cleaning the filter socks. This is how ours looked after 4-5 days.

Watte verdreckt nach 3-4 Tagen und muss getauscht werden.

We hope this little tip will help one or the other of you. We thank Kai, who did us a favour by using less water.

With salty greetings

from Team

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