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News from DD: DD Marco Coralline Rock

All aquarists need a decoration. There are now many options here. From simple rocks, artificial rocks to reef ceramics and prefabricated small reefs. The Marco Coralline Rocks are definitely worth a look.


DD Marco Coralline Rock is a completely natural calcium carbonate rock that is now available in coloured form. It utilises a new proprietary, paint-free process developed to simulate coral-covered live rock. The purple coral colour immediately makes your new reef structure look natural and established until the surface is colonised by real coral algae.

The natural rock is sustainably sourced from the remains of ancient coral reefs on land that rose from the sea thousands of years ago and formed part of the structure of Florida, the Keys and the Caribbean. Because the rock does not come from a living marine environment, it has no negative impact on fragile reef or marine ecosystems. It is a completely natural reef rock and has the perfect porosity for the colonisation of beneficial bacteria to create a thriving ecosystem in your aquarium.


Moulded by nature
Each stone is unique and ideal for creating beautifully realistic marine environments. In many, you can even recognise the distinct coral structures of the ancient animals that created them. Not only is the rock environmentally friendly, the added benefit of using a dry natural rock is that it is completely free from pests. So you can be sure that it will not introduce any unwanted organisms into your system.


The calcium carbonate composition of the rock provides a natural buffering capacity in the aquarium without any negative effects on the pH value. No additional curing is required.


Build complex aquascaping structures
By using the Aquascape Mortar Bonding Kit or the DD Aquascape Construction Resin, it is possible to build complex, durable structures by bonding the stones together.

- Ancient reef rock, moulded by nature.
- Completely natural, not man-made, made of sand and mortar in regular shapes.
- Colourless coralline algae colour that immediately blends into your aquarium.
- Calcium carbonate - buffers your aquarium water.
- Perfect porous structure for the colonisation of beneficial bacteria.
- Ecologically sustainable and free from pests
- Each stone is unique in shape and size.
- Can be glued together to form complex reef shapes and overhangs.


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