Koelle ZooFauna Marin GmbHAmino Organic Tropic Marin Aqua MedicCoral Clean Tropic Marin

Product test: The Magnetic System Filter

The adsorbers have to be changed or the filter cleaned? You squeeze yourself into the technical tank and often have to heave out the entire filter with pump, each time being careful not to bump into anything so as not to damage the filter or tear off the pump, excess water dripping onto the floor, then painstakingly undoing screw connections, making sure that no dirt gets into the thread, and and and.....for many aquarists this has been a horror for years, considering that these activities often have to be repeated in a short time. - We have tested the Magnetic Filter! So everything in the video :-)

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kugelfisch123 on 13.07.19#1
Das ist mal ein Filter, der nichts vermisst was man sich wünscht ! Gratulation.
salzige Grüße

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