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D-D Kamoer KH Manager

These days, the D-D Kamoer KH Manager will be on sale. We also hope that it will be an accurate and good device. The previous solutions from other companies in the matter of KH measurement and control sometimes seem inaccurate and technically not 100% mature.

Product Information "D-D Kamoer KH Manager".

The KHManager is a dedicated, app-controlled, stand-alone unit that automatically samples and tests your aquarium water, then calculates and doses an accurate volume of KH solution to maintain a consistent alkalinity level in your aquarium.

The expandable multi-element dosing feature uses built-in software that allows you to connect the KHManager to dedicated D-D dosing pumps so that other elements, such as calcium and magnesium, can be automatically calculated and dosed in proportion to measured KH consumption.

Developed in collaboration between D-D and Kamoer for the European market, the KHManager combines Kamoer's experience in manufacturing high-precision dosing equipment for the medical field with D-D's knowledge and understanding of the specific requirements for alkalinity control in a modern reef aquarium.

The stepper motor driven pump heads, precision pH probe, dual optical sensors, automatic stirring and rinsing protocols are all important features that ensure each test sample is collected, tested and dosed with the highest possible accuracy. Unexpectedly high or low readings (out of trend) are automatically retested to prevent sample errors, and user-defined limits warn of over- or under-dosing outside of specified parameters.

Automatic and manual testing

In the app, it is possible to manually perform an immediate test with the KH Manager or to set up a regular automatic testing schedule.
Automatic schedules can be programmed to test between 1 and 24 times per day. This can be done every day of the week, on specific days of the week, or on a specific number of days, giving the user complete flexibility.

After each test, the result is shown on the device display for quick reference, along with the time and date the test was performed. A full data log for both pH and KH is displayed in the app, along with automatic addition of KH buffer solution if the dosing option is enabled.

Automated dosing of KH buffer

Automatic KH maintenance can be activated to maintain a stable and consistent level. Once the test is performed, a special built-in dosing channel is activated to add a liquid buffer that raises the KH level in the aquarium to the set point specified by the user.

The amount of buffer added in one dose can be limited to avoid large single additions. If the amount to be dosed is greater than the amount allowed in one addition, an automatic dosing schedule is created to break the dose into smaller increments over a period of time and displayed in the app.

The settings in the app allow the use of Kamoer's standard KH buffer or any other brand of KH buffer solution.

WiFi Cloud or Bluetooth App Control

The KH Manager can be fully controlled via app from your smartphone or tablet. The free app download is available for both IOS and Android.

With the Kamoer Remote App, you can choose to connect the pump through your home router to access the unit from anywhere in the world, or use a local Bluetooth connection to connect directly from your mobile device. With either option, you have full access to all settings.

The app can be used to set calibration, firmware updates (when connected via a home router), test schedules, data monitoring, and test and dispense modes.

More Infos under the Link:

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