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Fish & Reptile 2023

April 2023: The time has come: new start for "Fisch & Reptil" in Ulm

The word has long been out. After the sale of the Sindelfingen exhibition hall, the scene's meeting place is moving to Ulm. From 1 to 3 December, Fisch & Reptil will finally celebrate its big comeback in the likeable Danube city.

After having to cancel it again last year, the organisers have no more doubts this year that Fisch & Reptil will take place in Ulm. "The mood of optimism is clearly noticeable among exhibitors and visitors. The yearning for contact with the scene and personal exchange is very great",
of this project manager Michaela Hohenstein, who helped bring the fair to life 20 years ago, is convinced.

Fisch & Reptil will present itself as it is known: with a large range of fish, corals, reptiles and insects and the associated accessories for species-appropriate keeping - presented by dealers and manufacturers from Germany and abroad as well as renowned private breeders.

The lecture programme with first-class speakers from the marine, freshwater and terrarium sectors, the instructive workshops and the impressive stage programme are also fixed components of the event.

Further trade fair highlights, such as special shows and championships, complete the overall picture.

"Fisch & Reptil" will take place from 01 to 03 December 2023 at the Ulm Trade Fair Centre, Böfinger Str. 50, 89073 Ulm, Germany, and will be open from 10 am to 6 pm. A day ticket (incl. symposium) is available at the box office at a price of 12 euros (adults) and 10 euros (reduced). Online ticket: 10 euros, 3-day ticket 20 euros. Admission is free for children under 16.

More information at

Your contact for questions about the fair:
Project management:

Manuela Schabla
Fon: +49(0)7031 / 791-118

Michaela Hohenstein
Fon: +49(0)7031 / 791-104


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