Maxspect MJ-L 130
Maxspect has brought some news that we would like to inform you about here. The first is the new 30 Watt LED with 32 LEDs that now do without green and red in the colour, as well as a Refugien Led. Last but not least, there is a diffuser hood for the LED MJ L 165. All information is summarised below.
Maxspect MJ-L130
The new Maxspect Jump MJ-L130 LED light is made entirely of aluminium with a sleek matte finish. It is completely waterproof for maximum safety and features passive cooling without a fan for completely silent operation.
The Jump MJ-L130 is equipped with 32 LEDs divided into white, light blue, dark blue, violet and UV LEDs, offering a maximum output of 30 watts. The red and green LEDs have been omitted in favour of the blue, violet and ultraviolet LEDs at 395-400 Nm, as these are the LEDs preferred by modern reef aquarists (and corals).
For refugia
Based on the Jump MJ-L130 LED luminaire, Maxspect has developed the Jump MJ-L130R, where the R stands for refuge. This model is ideal for use with refugiums, which are often in humid and salty environments.
The Jump MJ-L130R will appeal to all aquarists who need to light Chaetomorpha in their refugium, but it could also be of interest to many aquarists who grow macroalgae for ornamental purposes in marine aquascapes.
The Jump MJ-L130R is equipped with 32 LEDs divided into white, red and dark blue LEDs to produce a colour spectrum specifically matched to the different types of macroalgae, and has a maximum output of 30 watts.
Preset programmes
For programming the Jump MJ-L130, Maxspect has opted for an online controller with fixed photoperiod programmes that can be recalled with a single button press. It allows the choice of 3 different spectra: 10000K, 16000K and Special SPS as well as 3 photoperiods of 6, 10 and 12 hours.
As with the Jump MJ-L130, programming of the Jump MJ-L130R is done via an online controller that allows the selection of 3 different spectra: "All Purpose", "Enhanced Growth" and "Macroalgae Thrive AB+" as well as 3 photoperiods of 6, 10 and 12 hours.
Maxspect Diffuser Hood for MJ-L165
Light diffuser for Jump MJ-L165 Normal or Blue
Using the light diffuser with the special filters allows for homogeneous colour mixing and better light distribution, improving the overall aesthetics of an aquarium. The two diffusion filters included allow the colour mixing to be refined and the intensity of the light radiation (PAR) to be changed, e.g. reducing the light intensity, which can be advantageous for aquariums with sensitive corals or fish species that require less intense lighting.
The light diffuser fits perfectly with the Jump MJ-L165 Normal or Blue lights, preventing unwanted light loss, which is especially beneficial if you want to mount the Jump LEDs high up in the aquarium.
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