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Press release: Fisch & Reptil 2022 cancelled again

Ein Publikumsmagnet der Szene schon seit vielen Jahren: Die Fisch & Reptil, Deutschlands größte Verkaufsmesse für Aquaristik und Terraristik, hat im der Ulm- Messe ihre neue Heimat gefunden

Fisch & Reptil 2022 - The time is not yet ripe - We really believed that our Fisch & Reptil could take place again this year on its usual date in early December.


Fish & Reptile 2022 - The time is not yet ripe


We really believed that our fish & reptile would be back this Reptile can take place again this year on its usual date at the beginning of December.

Colourful fish, reptiles and insects will be on display. fish, reptiles and insects from all over the world, tropical plants and cutting-edge accessories for the species-appropriate keeping of the scaly exotics: The breathtaking range on offer from the many manufacturers, dealers and and breeders should once again delight thousands of visitors during these three days at the Sindelfingen should once again delight thousands of visitors. Impressive stage shows, instructive workshops and the famous Aqua Terra symposium for more "animal highlights" were planned.

But the time is obviously not yet ripe for it.

Possible restrictions to be expected in autumn/winter cause a great deal of uncertainty among many trade fair participants.

A safe planning of our event with a wide range and high quality is unfortunately not possible.

The Fisch & Reptil will therefore unfortunately not be able to take place in 2022 either.

April 2022

It is considered Germany's most important sales fair in the industry: The "Fisch
& Reptil" has always taken place at the Sindelfingen Trade Fair Centre and is considered the
meeting place of the scene. Now, after the forced break at Corona and the sale
of the Sindelfingen exhibition hall, it has found a new home and is
again brilliantly taking to the stage: from 2 to 4 December, Fisch & Reptil will be celebrating a great comeback in
the friendly city on the Danube.

Colourful fish, reptiles and insects from all over the world, tropical
plants, impressive stage shows and workshops: this is how we know Fisch &
Reptil, Germany's most important sales fair for the industry. The event
is considered a hotspot for aquaristics and terraristics, where dealers and manufacturers
from Germany and abroad, as well as renowned private breeders, show just about everything
that the current market has to offer. Magnificent ornamental fish, snakes,
turtles, monitor lizards and geckos, beetles and other insects, plus an opulent
arsenal for the species-appropriate keeping of exotic contemporaries: From the elaborate
reef aquarium to the smart nano tank to the tropical terrarium
the range of biotopes on display at this fair spanned the spectrum. When
Fisch & Reptil was held at its previous location in Sindelfingen, there were often queues at the
entrance, too, but made up of people ...

In 2020 the fair wanted to celebrate its 20th anniversary, but this plan
was thwarted by the Corona compulsory break. With the sale
of the Sindelfingen exhibition hall, which will henceforth be used for other purposes, the
event also lost its traditional home.
But now it has found a new home: "We are very pleased that we will be able to welcome our
exhibitors and visitors to the Fisch & fair from 2 to 4 December this year. We are very pleased that we will be able to invite our
exhibitors and visitors to the Fisch & Reptil
2022 in Ulm from 2 to 4 December this year," says project manager Cristina Steinfeld from
Messe Sindelfingen, which, as the trade fair company, remains the organiser

Bild Ulm-Messe GmbH: Hier ist das neue Zuhause von Deutschlands größter Verkaufsmesse für Aquaristik und Terraristik: Die beliebte Fisch & Reptil findet vom 2. bis 4. Dezember 2022 in der Ulm- Messe statt.

"The Ulm trade fair is tailor-made for our new start. With its location in the
pleasant city on the Danube, between Munich and Stuttgart, it is wonderfully accessible for
our visitors and exhibitors both by car and by train
. The exhibition centre with its spacious, flexible
exhibition landscape is also perfect for impressive and species-appropriate
accommodation and presentation of our diverse wildlife, as well as for our
educational workshops and lectures." The popular seawater symposium,
an industry-renowned tradition,
will also be able to take place again at the Ulm fair.
The charm of the beautiful Danube city with the world's highest church tower, according to the
project manager, will do its bit as a backdrop for the fair. Together with the
comeback next December, the fair organisers also want to catch up with the 20th
anniversary of Fisch & Reptil. "We have planned many animal highlights
- on the exhibition area as well as on the stage," announces the project manager.
"We will reveal more details in the course of the coming time."

"Fisch & Reptil" will take place from 02 to 04 December 2022 at Ulm-Messe,
Böfinger Str. 50, 89073 Ulm and will be open from 10 am to 6 pm.

A day ticket (incl. symposium) is available at the box office at a price of 12 euros (adults) and 10 euros
(reduced). Online ticket: 10 euros, 3-day ticket 20 €. Admission is free for children under 16

Information on the fair:

Your contact for questions about the fair:

Heidi Debschütz
Press office
Fon: +49(0)7034 / 23 75 58

Cristina Steinfeld
Project Management
Fon: +49(0)7031 / 791-109

Messe Sindelfingen GmbH & Co. KG
Marie-Curie-Straße 11
71083 Herrenberg
Fon: +49(0)7031 / 791-0

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robertbaur on 02.08.22#1
Es tut mir sehr leid dass es diese Nachricht gibt. Schade für die ganzen Vorbereitungen, schade für den Handel und schade für die Aquarianer. Wir hoffen darauf dass es nächstes Jahr evtl zu einer anderen Jahreszeit stattfinden wird, denn neben dem Virus ist ja auch noch Gas ein Thema. in den wärmeren Monaten braucht man das nicht so sehr.
vg Robert

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