Koelle WhitecoralsFauna Marin GmbH

Would you like to turn your hobby into a career? Scientific traineeship to be filled

Tech-savvy aquarist wanted for Germany's largest living coral reef.

The State Museum of Natural History has a vacancy for a
scientific trainee (m/f/d)
in the Vivarium in the Communication Department.
is a university degree in biological sciences (diploma/master's degree/bachelor's degree/teaching profession)
Please send applications
by 15. May 2022 (date of receipt of application) for the attention of. Mr. Johann Kirchhauser


A biologist with good knowledge in the field of aquatics is sought. The duties consist mainly of assisting in the administration and organisation of the vivarium, assisting in the maintenance of coral aquariums and in the maintenance of the new large tanks (including diving work). In addition, our training plan also includes insights into other areas of the museum's work. A good knowledge of English is required. Diving certificate CMAS ** would be an advantage. For guided tours and similar activities, the applicant should have an interest in dealing with people.


Duration of voluntary service: 2 years


Remuneration: currently 50% of remuneration group 13 TV-L monthly. The regular working week is 39.5 hours.

Applications from women are welcomed within the framework of professional equality. Severely disabled persons will be given special consideration in the case of equal suitability.

For more information, please contact Mr. Johann Kirchhauser at 0721 - 175-2101 or -2169 or at johann.kirchhauser(at)

For those who don't know the aquarium yet, here is a good insight.


Please send applications to:

johann.kirchhauser(at) or by post to the Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Karlsruhe, Referat Vivarium, Erbprinzenstr. 13, 76133 Karlsruhe;


Written applications will only be returned if you enclose a stamped addressed envelope. Application costs will not be reimbursed or paid. Data protection notice for applicants.


The protection of your personal data is an important concern of the Staatl. Museum für Naturkunde Karlsruhe and is guaranteed at all times. All personal data collected and processed by us as part of an application are protected against unauthorised access and manipulation by technical and organisational measures.

Your data will only be used to process your application within the Staatl. Museum für Naturkunde Karlsruhe and will be treated in strict confidence in accordance with the statutory provisions. 

If you send your application by e-mail, please note that threats to confidentiality and unauthorised access by third parties cannot be excluded when communicating by unencrypted e-mail.


Questions and suggestions regarding data protection:

If you have any questions or suggestions regarding data protection, please contact our data protection officer. E-mail:

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