01.01.2025 The new issue 20 will be published in the participating specialist retailers -
The direct link to the previous PDF for reading: AUSGABEN
April 2020 - Introducing Korallenriff Magazin:
There would certainly be better times to introduce a marine aquaristics magazine than just the peak of the Corona virus in Germany, where many are not supposed to go out anymore to prevent further spreading. But perhaps some reading material is just what is needed. Especially now, in these difficult times, we also need positive things.
Besides the video you can find below, we would like to give you the key data on the German-language seawater magazine.
DIRECT to the PDF magazine issue 1- 13 ? Click here:
An overview of all the important things about the magazine:
Circulation of the magazine: 30.000 copies (40 pages)
Publication frequency: 1/4 yearly, starting in April 2020
Publication area: in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, as well as via online mail order by specialist dealers.
Online publication: approx. 6 - 8 weeks after publication in the specialised trade on korallenriff.de as digital PDF
The magazine is free of charge
Important: For logistical reasons we cannot offer subscriptions or direct mailing. Please contact the specialised trade ! Please inform your dealer if he does not have the magazine yet. They can then request the magazine from us free of charge.
Just write to the email address
Important information for DEALERS on how to obtain the magazine.
It is best to download the form DSGVO from our server beforehand. This is because we need your written consent to store and pass on your data to the carrier. Please send this data protection form in your email to us, in which you also tell us your wish about the number of pieces. Please consider realistic numbers of pieces, in a bundle of always 40/80/120 etc.. The quantity will certainly play itself out over time. In the next quarter, the same quantity as before will be sent automatically. If you need more magazines, please inform us in writing. The same applies, of course, if you need less. Because they are too good to throw away. Otherwise our AGBs.
Now the video of the magazine:
Best regards Claudia Krebs and Robert Baur
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