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Great video from the Waikiki Aquarium of a $30,000 fish

We now know that saltwater fish often devour a lot of money very quickly. I don't know many people who can or want to pay a fabulous 30,000 dollars for a single fish. But have a look at the article itself, there is even a longer video.

There are always fish that are super rare and cost a lot of money.

We found a great video that we would like to show here.

Centropyge boylei the Cook dwarf angelfish


We aquarists in Europe will probably never see this dwarf angelfish live. It is a deep-sea fish that can usually be seen from 55 to 120 depths in its area of occurrence.
For this, however, divers need a special helium mixture.
Richard Pyle, a well-known diver, has succeeded in doing this several times.

The price of the fish was initially around 5000 dollars many years ago and rose again and again. In between, there were offers for 19,000 dollars, later 25,000 dollars, and now it is probably 30,000 dollars. This puts him on the list of the 10 most expensive fish.

So he's on the list of the 10 most expensive fish.

So the rarity, depth and effort to catch it are the main reasons for the extremely high price.

Since it is no longer allowed to import directly from the Cook Islands to Germany, the prices have risen considerably again.

Mostly P. boylei live in groups of a few animals.

I'll just put down what I think, this is definitely a real aquaristic dream for us.


Here is the video from Youtube


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Danii on 15.02.16#1
Er sieht ja schon schick aus, aber so viel Geld für einen Fisch aus geben ist wohl eher die Lust am Geld aus geben als die Freude am Fisch.
Dennoch, wenn er irgendwann mal nach gezüchtet wird und zu vertretbaren Preisen in den Handel kommt wäre er sicher ein Hingucker.
Butch on 19.02.16#2
Habe den Fisch Live in Thailand gesehen.(Chingchai)
Ich wuerde Ihn nicht kaufen selbst wenn ich die Kohle haette, evtl Geschmacksache.

aber im Urlaub waere ich jede minute am handy (WLAN Kamera))))

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