Koelle WhitecoralsFauna Marin GmbH

Price Aquaristics - Maldives Action

A very interesting article on rebuilding destroyed reef sections after construction work in the Maldives. Thank you Cornelia and Sandra for this :-)

After a long time of planning, the time finally came at the end of last year.

A team of seawater specialists from the Stralsund Marine Aquarium flew to the Maldives. The goal was the reconstruction of destroyed reef sections after construction work. Local staff (diving schools) were trained here.

Here 4 days each were spent on the islands Jumeira Vittaveli, Centara Grand and Centara Ras Fushi. The staff were taught coral fragmentation and how to demonstrate different ways of underwater attachment to different substrates. Our 2-component adhesive Easy-Glue purple was used for the smaller stony coral plants.

This was used to establish many offshoots in the newly created 'coral nurseries'. It was a great pleasure for us to support this great project. Enclosed are some great pictures.

Maybe some of our readers will come to the Maldives and have a look at the new coral splendour underwater. We will keep everyone else up to date on how it develops. The project will be updated 1-2 times a year and the development will be documented.

Of course there are also photos :-)







Cornelia & Sandra Price  








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elesyi on 23.02.16#1
ich wünsche Gutes Gelingen, lobenswerte Aktion!
Leider gibt es auch hierzu negative Einflüsse, hier die IS, die das hoffentlich nicht behindern:
gregorluenen2009 on 23.02.16#2
genau, danke für den link.

auf grund dessen würde ich dort
niemals urlaub machen wollen.

die idee mit den korallen ist gut
aber nicht neu.

würde ja gern mal die forscher sehn die
die malediven in 5.000 jahren ausgraben
und auf diesen kleber stoßen, und sicherlich
denken was ist dies für eine absonderliche

robertbaur on 24.02.16#3
Hi Gregor ;-)

Na ich denke aber doch dass das in x Jahren nicht mehr groß erkennbar ist was nun Stein und was Kleber war, zumindest nicht augenscheinlich.

auf jeden Falle eine tolle Aktion.

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