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Save money with Teleson's electricity calculator. They usually make you a better offer

The high price of electricity, which is also constantly increasing at the moment, is certainly not particularly conducive to the hobby. Now the electricity professional Constantin was our guest and gave us tips for optimisation. So just send your electricity bill to him via Whats Up and you'll get a free quote.

The community of marine aquarists will probably be confronted with the constantly increasing cost pressure in the energy market in the future. According to the Federal Network Agency, nuclear phase-out, lignite phase-out and Co² targets will cause energy prices to rise steadily until 2035. This is very noticeable right now. The editors of Korallenriff Magazine, would like to offer even more benefits for its readers in the future, including product information on the power consumption of the hardware used. With our free service, you will pay less for the total energy consumption in your household in the future.Don't just take care of your biotope behind glass, but help us to sustainably protect our world by using eco-energy products and save cash at the same time.Attractive price advantages
Long-term price security
Eco-power / eco-gas
Personal support/contact person

This is how it works!
Your last electricity, gas. Heat bill by mail or WhatsApp:
WA: 0176-2104 7346We will analyse your bill for free.
You get a comparison.
You benefit from lower costs.

The video:

Whoever wants to see for themselves now whether they already have a good electricity rate themselves is welcome to contact Constantin. Either you already have a good rate, or he can make you a better offer. This does not only apply to end customers, commercial customers can also enquire.

Contact Constantin Kröger, Bonn:
Telephone/WhatsApp: 0176-21047346

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robertbaur on 18.10.20#1
Hallo ihr "Stomwechsler" :-)
Ich möchte mich hiermit sehr herzlich für das tolle Feedback der Zuseher bedanken. Es sind doch etliche die jetzt einen besseren Strompreis abschliessen konnten. Das freut uns sehr.
salzige Grüße

robertbaur on 29.10.21#2
Liebe Reeferinnen und Reefer,

wir haben über Constantin Kröger heute erfahren dass die Firma Lition Insolvenz anmelden musste. Das ist nicht der erste am Markt und bestimmt nicht der letzte bei den dauernden steigen Strompreisen. Hier ist es besonders schade da sie tatsächlich einen eigenen Tarif für Aquarianer hatten.

Das könnte durchaus nun manche Aquarianer betreffen. Fall jemand Hilfe braucht, nicht alleine klar kommt, oder ein Neues Angebot in Erwägung zieht, bitte kontaktiert Constantin er hilft euch gerne weiter. Hier die Meldung

Kontakt zu Constantin Kröger, Bonn:
Telefon/WhatsApp: 0176-21047346

salzige Grüße

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