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How a marine aquarium is created Part 1: The Aqua Medic Armatus 400 is supplied.

noch trocken, der neue Tank

Finally, the time has come again. After a break of almost 10 years, we are making a new saltwater aquarium. It was an exhibitor at Interzoo, namely the Aqua Medic Armatus 400. Here you can see the development from the beginning in many videos that are gradually coming online.

I'm sure many readers are aware that running a website like and/or takes up a lot of time.

This was also the reason why we had to stop with the large 1000 litre tank back in 2008. It was just too much and we couldn't cope with the time! Because if you do something, you should do it right.  Time didn't get any better, but we simply need something "tangible compensation" again, i.e. something salty :-)


So it happened that we came to the exhibitor of Aqua Medic, the new Armatus 400, at Interzoo 2018. It was delivered to us as an exhibitor fully assembled. The system is of course disassembled when delivered, but the base cabinet is quite easy to assemble.


Aqua Medic Armatus (125cm)

We will now document the salty evolution and gradually describe the construction of this new aquarium.

The special feature is certainly also the part that we have not received any live stones, as nothing has been delivered from Indonesia since the beginning of May. (Two ministries are in dispute there) So we had to resort to other rocks. We are really looking forward to this. We will document this with regular analyses of the water by the FaunaMarin laboratory.

But first let's talk about the aquarium, the Armatus. It has a length of 125 cm, a depth of 50 cm and a height of 55 cm. The depth is certainly not ideal for everyone, so if you have more space and money, it is better to go for a deeper tank such as the Xenia or the Magnifica. For us, however, the depth of 50 cm was just right.  The reason for this is our dining table in the conservatory and the wagon wheel mounted centrally above it. It was therefore not possible to move the table because the cartwheel, which is mounted at a height of 7.5 metres, cannot be moved. 

Here is a photo of the table in the winter garden.

Here is a photo of what it looked like before. The barrel, i.e. my little "bar" had to give way.

Esszimmer, mein Fass muss weichen

Esszimmer mit Wagenrad

Dass Fass musste weichen ;-)

noch trocken, der neue Tank

Description and key data of the Armatus 400


- Aquarium without struts made of white;glass with polished edges
- Integrated safety bottom seam
- Quiet operation due to „easy drain system“
- Filter tank with adjustable water level and refill;automatic
- Fine filter area with exchangeable filter bags
- Transportable refill tank
- Glass under-cabinet filter with pre-filter chamber, two clear water chambers for free placement of biological
  and mechanical filters (e.g. shut-off, filtering, etc.). filter media
- Integrated emergency overflow
- Elegant glass shaft cover
- High-quality base cabinet with softclose, high-gloss white decor
- Large base cabinet with ventilation
- Including safety tray
- The base cabinet is supplied as a kit and can be assembled in just a few steps



Armatus 400 u. 450

However, here is the 1st video in the series on how "a seawater aquarium is made". It shows the delivery, the unpacking and the installation. We would like to thank Thomas Schütt for his help.


Next up soon, part 2.

Salty greetings




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robertbaur on 04.07.18#1
....aber keine Sorge, mein "BARFass" steht wieder im Esszimmer :-)

reefman on 06.07.18#2
Sehr schöner Bericht. Warte schon spannend auf Teil 2.

Hat mich gefreut das der Fass auch noch ins Zimmer gepasst hat. Denn das Esszimmer ist erst jetzt ''echt Klasse'' geworden!
robertbaur on 06.07.18#3
Hi Reefman,

vielen Dank für die netten Worte :-) Sonntag kommt Teil 2. Thema dann Steinfaubau. Gar nicht so leicht weil es keine lebenden Steine derzeit gibt.
vg Robert
reefman on 06.07.18#4
Köllezoo hat Steine die fast wie lebende Steine aussehen also schön lila und pink und porös aber Du weisst schon bestimmt bescheid.

Ein weitere Option wahren secondhand Lebendgestein. Aber bitte keine Keramiksteine verwenden.

Viel Spass noch:)
robertbaur on 06.07.18#5
Hallo Reefman,

die RRR (ich vermute ich jetzt mal das du die meinst) Real Reef Rocks.... sind nicht so mein Fall. Aber gucken wir mal was meine Steine so mit der Zeit machen.
salzige Grüße

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