Koelle WhitecoralsFauna Marin GmbH

Koralle 98 on sale from 24 March

Koralle 98

The cover topic of the 98th issue of KORALLE is the Hawaiian surgeonfish, in particular its successful breeding. This breakthrough writes aquaristic history, far beyond this species! Read the exclusive report of the successful biologists! In times of digital cameras and social media, aquarium photography is more topical and popular than ever. We are starting a section in which the necessary basic photographic knowledge is taught. There are many more topics in the article

Koralle 98


Progress principle


Hawaii doctor fish


Most of the time, breaking a sound barrier involves a loud bang. Sometimes, however, it happens very quietly – for example, with the world's first offspring of the yellow Hawaiian surgeonfish (Zebrasoma flavescens).


The sound barrier has been broken!

The dream of breeding the Hawaiian surgeonfish became a reality in a marine biology lab – in Hawaii, of all places!

Foto: Jahrgang 2015: die weltweit ersten Nachzuchten des Gelben Hawaii-Doktorfischs, die im Oceanic Institute innerhalb von 100 Tagen im Aquarium auf Verkaufsgröße herangezogen wurden. Ende 2015 wuchsen aus drei Aufzuchten bereits rund 1.000 Tiere in den Becken heran. C. Callan

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