DATZ 04 / 2016
DATZ – Die Aquarienzeitschrift is one of the leading and probably Germany's most traditional magazine on the subject of aquaristics. DATZ has been published for almost 65 years, with issue 12/2011 it is now published by Natur und Tier – Verlag. Here you can read about the topics of the new issue DATZ 04/2016, which will be published on 18 March.
DATZ 04 / 2016
DATZ 4/2016 from 18 March in subscription and at www.datz.de
Fcolourful Chanchito from Uruguay
One of the most beautiful representatives of its genus is the as yet undescribed Australoheros „Red Ceibal“.
Australoheros sp. „Red Ceibal“. Uwe Werner
Small angelfish from Brazil
.Is the „Dwarf Angelfish“ from Rio Tapajós a sensational new discovery or just the rediscovery of Pterophyllum eimekei?
Kleine Gruppen der Zwergsegelflosser. Detlef Leue und Wolfgang Staeck
Coloured earth eater from the Rio Tocantins
.Blue and red, rare, released, often confused and hardly aquaristically available – this is Geophagus sveni.
Netted tilapia from East Africa
.Oreochromis shiranus ähnelt Oreochromis mossambicus, but there are also differences between the two species.
Two „paradise vögel“ from Central America
.Vieja synspilus and Vieja melanura: Independent? Or perhaps not after all? For a long time, experts, amateurs and professionals alike, have been arguing about this question.
Vieja synspilus. Uwe Werner
Helgoland – Dream island for marine biologists
Researchers have been interested in the marine natural history of the German offshore island since early on. The first aquarium was opened in 1902, and now there are new places.
Helgoland: Interview
Karen Wiltshire is director of the Helgoland Biological Station.
North American perch
The genus Lepomis has more to offer than just the old familiar common sunfish.
Finally also discovered for aquaristics
Lagenandra meeboldii has been cultivated for decades in the Botanical Garden München.
Malawi lake in the winter garden
.Six months after the first fish were introduced, everything is working perfectly.
Melanochromis johannii. Joachim Kreis
Eye-catcher: Siegen (North Rhine-Westphalia)
The Tanganyika Lake Aquarium by Martin Oberliesen
Tanganjikasee im Siegerland. Rainer Stawikowski
Travel: Slovenia
Encounters with the cave olm
And much more .....
order now at http://www.ms-verlag.de/DATZ-Einzelhefte.2349.0.html?&MP=2347-2403
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