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DATZ 3/2016 from 19 February in subscription and at

DATZ 03 / 2016

DATZ – Die Aquarienzeitschrift is one of the leading and probably Germany's most traditional magazine on the subject of aquaristics. DATZ has been published for almost 65 years, with issue 12/2011 it is now published by Natur und Tier – Verlag. Here you can read about the topics of the new issue DATZ 03/2016, which will be published on 19 February.

DATZ 3/2016 from 19 February onwards by subscription and at

DATZ 03 / 2016

North American fish in the balcony kübel

There is a whole range of North American freshwater fish that can be kept very well in tubs or aquariums on the balcony or terrace – here is a selection and a few practical tips.


Three pond bank plants

Swanflower, common water astragal and common moss are an ornament for the natural garden pond. While the common arum is rightly regarded as a butterfly magnet, Mädesü&airp;-blossoms can be used to make a fine liqueur.

Die Blüten des Gewöhnlichen Wasserdosts locken viele Schmetterlinge an: Kleewidderchen (Zygaena trifolii). Rainer Stawikowski


Butterflies in the water garden

Which plants can you plant around your garden pond to make it attractive for butterflies? And which butterflies can be expected in the garden at home?


Das Tagpfauenauge hat eine besondere Vorliebe für die Sumpf-Kratzdistel. Ingo Seidel


So many years he has done no work ...

Many garden owners fulfil their dream of a garden pond at some point. Such a water garden can be built quickly. But what happens to it when it gets older?



White; spotted groupers


Patterns of light spots on a dark background are widespread in the animal kingdom, being found in mammals, birds and fishes – for example, in groupers of the genus Epinephelus.

Der Perllinien-Zackenbarsch (Epinephelus ongus) ist dicht mit weißen Punkten übersät. Die großen, weißen Flecke sind hier nur angedeutet. Horst Moosleitner


Cold-water fishes and fishes of the subtropics


An overview of interesting North American fishes swimming in the aquaria of AKFS members. By Hans-Joachim Scheffel

Zwergschwarzbarsche, hier Elassoma okefenokee, sind aufgrund ihrer Kleinheit, ihrer ansprechenden Männchenfärbung und ihrer interessanten Balz sehr beliebt. Andreas Harl


Malawi Lake in the winter garden

Because our author didn't find the time to visit Lake Malawi until now, he fulfilled his dream by bringing a small piece of it into his new house.



Eye-catcher: Nauheim (Hesse)


... and another dream: five metres of coral reef in the living room of Monika and Siegfried Lösel


Beeindruckend: 3.150 Liter Wasser fasst das Riffbecken im Hause Lösel. Rainer Stawikowski


Travel: United Arab Emirates

Dubai – on the trail of the legend of Atlantis


And much more .....

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