DATZ 02/2016
DATZ – Die Aquarienzeitschrift is one of the leading and probably Germany's most traditional magazine on the subject of aquaristics. DATZ has been published for almost 65 years, with issue 12/2011 it is now published by Natur und Tier – Verlag. Here you can read about the topics of the new issue DATZ 02/2016 which will be published in the next few days.
DATZ 02/2016
Cold-water fish and fish of the subtropics
An attempt (without any claim to completeness) to give an overview of fishes of aquaristic interest and to show which North Americans are swimming in the aquaria of AKFS members today. By H.-J. Scheffel
North American perch
.Sunfish, disc bass and diamond perch are among the oldest aquarium fish, but are now only found with a few enthusiasts. Yet there is a whole range of other interesting species in this group ...
Catfishes in and from North America
.Ameiurus, Noturus, Ictalurus, Pylodictis ... North American „Catfish“ are more than „big, ugly fish that taste good“! But as aquarium fish they still lead a shadowy existence.
A fish that „can't drink a wässer??
The goblin plant (Gambusia holbrooki) can be found in almost every water body in the southern US states. It is not afraid to colonise even small patches and rained-on tyre tracks...
Indian longnose parrotfish
Hipposcarus harid is almost always solitary in the coral reef, and it is little known that the species regularly forms large shoals, to which even its scientific name refers.
Indische Langnasen-Papageifische. Helmut Göthel
Saline crab (2)
Salt crustaceans of the genus Artemia are important food animals and popular objects of observation.
Salinenkrebschen. Uwe Dost
Red round-leaved Rotala ...
Only a few Rotala species are regularly found in the trade.
Eye-catcher: Hemer (North Rhine-Westphalia)
Tropheus moorii – Hans-Jürgen Winter and his large shoal
Travel: United Arab Emirates
Visit Arabia’s Wildlife Center in Sharjah (Dubai)
... and much more
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